A Level Maths: preparing to teach A Level for the first time 08/01/2025 In this guest blog, maths teacher Betty King talks about her experiences starting to teach A Level Maths.
Level 3 FSMQ: Additional Mathematics – formulae sheets and support for the summer exam 06/01/2025 Subject advisor Steven Walker looks at how the formulae sheet that candidates are given adds an extra component to the exam preparation for this Level 3 Maths qualification.
A Level Maths: what practice material is available? 03/01/2025 In this blog Steven looks at the range of exam support available for both OCR A Level Maths specifications.
A Level Maths: what makes a mathematical explanation? 17/12/2024 Amy Jones, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, discusses what examiners are looking for when the command word “Explain” is used.
Resources for GCSE (9-1) Maths post-16 resit students 10/12/2024 Are you looking for resources suitable for GCSE (9-1) Maths resit students? Rebecca Atherfold, FE Maths Education Support Specialist at MEI, shares some of her favourites.
A Level Maths: what do we mean by “Show that” questions? 02/12/2024 A Level Maths: What do we mean by “Show that” questions? Steven takes a look at the rationale for “Show that” style questions, highlighting examiner feedback from candidate scripts and discussing ideas for incorporating the phrase into lessons.
A Level Maths: a deep dive into the command word ‘Determine’ 28/11/2024 Amy Dai, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, discusses what examiners are looking for when the command word “Determine” is used.
A Level Maths and Further Maths: the importance of accurate vocabulary in statistics 20/11/2024 Amy Dai, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, looks at some of the common misconceptions and errors that students can make when using statistics vocabulary.
A Level Maths: three things to consider for detailed reasoning 20/11/2024 Steven Walker, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, discusses what examiners are looking for when stating “In this question you must show detailed reasoning.”
Using a calculator effectively in core maths exams 21/10/2024 In this guest blog, maths technology consultant Gerard Dummett suggests ways to enhance your students’ calculator skills.