Updated qualification documents for ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills 07/09/2022 We have updated documentation for the ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills qualifications.
Withdrawal of ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills 31/08/2022 We confirm we're withdrawing the ITQ Levels 1–3 qualifications in IT User Skills.
Reminder: Redevelopment of our Cambridge Nationals suite 22/06/2022 We remind you we're withdrawing our current Cambridge Nationals suite of qualifications.
Updates for Cambridge National in IT J836 30/05/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignments (R060 and R070) for our redeveloped Cambridge National in IT qualification.
Confirmation of certification end date for Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals Award and Certificate in ICT 12/01/2022 For centres in Wales, we confirm the certification end date for Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals Award and Certificate in ICT.
Summer 2022 adaptations for Entry Level qualifications 02/09/2021 We have published guidance on the adaptations of our Entry Level qualifications for 2022.
Updated qualification documents for ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills 01/09/2021 We have updated documentation for the ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills qualifications.
GCSE (9-1) Computer Science programming skills 19/08/2021 We have added the programming skills statement for centres to complete.
Extension to ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills 07/06/2021 We have extended the review date for ITQ Levels 1–3 in IT User Skills.
Digital Employability, Life and Living Skills and Using ICT 03/06/2021 We've provided guidance on the teacher assessed grades process for Digital Employability, Life and Living Skills and Using ICT qualifications.