Apprenticeship levy consultation 21/08/2015 BIS has issued a new consultation which outlines ambitious plans to place a levy on all large employers in England to help fund three million new apprenticeships.
An uncomfortable truth on graduate employment 13/08/2015 The Edge Foundation (Edge) directly challenges statistics from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). In a press release accompanying a new report, Edge accused higher education bodies of manipulating statistics to disguise the poor job prospects facing many graduates.
Bye bye QCF 06/08/2015 Following responses to its consultation, Ofqual has confirmed the arrangements for withdrawing the QCF.
Lords Social Mobility Committee inquiry 06/08/2015 House of Lords Social Mobility Committee examines transitions from school to work for young people.
Sixth Form Colleges Association Report says colleges will close 06/08/2015 Sixth Form Colleges Association Report say changes to funding will mean colleges will close and quality of student experience will lessen.
Education pitfalls and the policy pendulum 16/03/2015 The latest reports on competition in the exam system, sponsored by Ofqual, don’t tell us much we don’t already know.
This is the title that appears in the listing 16/03/2015 This is the short description that appears in the article listing. It needs to tell the user what the article is about in least number of words possible.