“What does family mean to you?”: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month 04/06/2024 Subject advisor Richard Kerridge reflects on his own family history in relation to this year’s Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month in June 2024.
OCR and the Schools History Project Conference 09/05/2024 Dan Lydon-Cohen reflects on the partnership between OCR and the Schools History Project and invites teachers to this year’s conference.
The Joe Scott Award: rewarding excellence in the History Around Us unit at GCSE History 26/03/2024 Richard Kerridge invites Dan Lyndon-Cohen, Schools History Project Director, to tell us a little about Joe Scott and the award.
Using examination walkthrough videos in GCSE History 20/03/2024 Richard Kerridge and guest blogger Rachel Cliffe explain how exam walkthrough videos can be useful for both history teachers and students.
How the Archive of Market and Social Research can help with A Level History 14/03/2024 Phyllis Macfarlane, Chair of Contents at the Archive of Market and Social Research, writes about an exciting new research resource for students of A Level History.
Guidance and support for the use of AI in history 27/02/2024 History Subject Advisor Richard Kerridge highlights the opportunities for use and misuse of AI, as well as giving you the steps to manage and support your candidates’ use of AI in our qualifications.
Powerful connections: linking local, national and international stories in your curriculum 11/09/2023 Norfolk history teacher Imogen Wiltshire explains how she has helped students understand the links between local, national and international events, both in the past and present.
Six good reasons to switch to OCR GCSE History B 01/08/2023 For teachers considering moving to OCR, subject advisor Richard Kerridge shares what’s special about our History B specification.
History Around Us – considering a site that’s close to home 09/06/2023 Subject advisor Mike Goddard considers whether GCSE History B teachers could consider using their own school for their History Around Us study site.
Including mental health enquiries in the history curriculum 31/05/2023 History teacher Jess Ripper explains how a study of anxiety is both worthwhile and can fit into an overcrowded history curriculum