If you think there has been an error in the processing or reporting of your results, it is possible to submit a results enquiry.
Results enquiries involve:
- A check of the data to make sure results have been accurately reported.
- A review of the marks awarded by a senior examiner who was not responsible for awarding the original marks, to make sure the marking criteria were appropriately applied.
Results enquiries can be submitted by you or your centre on your behalf (see the centre support page).
Submitting a results enquiry
To request a results enquiry, please submit the form on our Results Online system within five working days of the results release date (see the key dates).
Before submitting your request, please be aware that, following a results enquiry, results can go down as well as up and this could affect your university application.
Results enquiry outcome
You should receive the outcome of the results enquiry within five working days of submitting the form.
If you have applied to the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick or Imperial College London, we will notify them directly of any change to the results. Other institutions will be notified via UCAS.
If you are not happy with the outcome of your results enquiry, it is possible to submit an appeal.
When we have received your enquiry, we will send you a payment link (see the fees). If there is any change to the original result, there will be no charge.