GCSE Computer Science programming project
12 October 2017
GCSE Computer Science (J276) programming project: submission and dates
Marking the programming project
We would like to remind centres that the programming project must be internally marked before being externally moderated by OCR. It is important to internally standardise the work where more than one teacher delivers the non-examination assessment (NEA) to ensure the centre marking is consistent.
Submitting the programming project sample
There are two methods of submitting the project and these are determined by the option you choose when you make your entries:
- J276A: OCR Repository (preferred method) – Work is uploaded online to our secure site. See our web pages for more information.
- J276B: Postal moderation – Submissions should be in an electronic format only. This may be on a USB pen drive, CD or DVD. External links to cloud-based services such as Dropbox and Google Drive, will not be accepted. All evidence required must be submitted directly to OCR.
Dates for submitting the sample
Centres must submit their marks for the project by 31 March 2018. You will then receive a sample request via email asking you to post or upload the sample within three working days. Since, for many schools and colleges, this is the start of the Easter holidays, the sample can be submitted when the new term starts.
If you have any queries about this notice please call our Customer Contact Centre on 01223 553998.
- Computer Science (9-1) - J276 (from 2016)