Assessment overview
There are seven teaching modules:
- Module 1 - Development of practical skills in geology
- Module 2 - Foundations in geology
- Module 3 - Global tectonics
- Module 4 - Interpreting the past
- Module 5 - Petrology and economic geology
- Module 6 - Geohazards
- Module 7 - Basin analysis
Students must enter all components (01, 02, 03 and 04) to be awarded the OCR A Level in Geology.
Content overview
Practical activities are embedded within the learning outcomes of the course to encourage practical activities in the classroom which contribute to the achievement of the practical endorsement (component 04).
The seven teaching modules are divided into topics as follows.
- Module 1: Development of practical skills in geology
- Practical skills assessed in a written examination
- Practical skills assessed in the practical endorsement
- Practical skills developed through fieldwork and assessed in a written examination
- Module 2: Foundations in geology
- Minerals and rocks
- Fossils and time
- Modules 3: Global tectonics
- Earth structure
- Plate tectonics
- Geological structures
- Module 4: Interpreting the past
- Sedimentary environments
- Geochronology
- Module 5: Petrology
- Applied sedimentology
- Fluids and geological processes
- Igneous petrology
- Metamorphic petrology
- Mining geology
- Module 6: Geohazards
- Geohazards
- Engineering geology
- Module 7: Basin analysis
- Key concepts for basin analysis
- Basin analysis in practice
Students undertake a minimum of four days of fieldwork. This should allow to develop proficiency in fieldwork skills, apparatus and techniques, and demonstrate their competence in practical field geology.