Cambridge Technicals arrangements for summer 2025
14 November 2024
In October, Ofqual confirmed the arrangements to ensure the timely delivery of results for students taking vocational qualifications this academic year will continue as business as usual.
These include a term-time checkpoint for schools and colleges to confirm which students need a result in August to progress to higher or further education and issuing results with enough time to check and prepare them for final release to students.
We’ve published our summer 2025 timeline showing the OCR key dates and activities. Read on for a summary of the arrangements.
If your school or college does not meet the agreed deadlines, there is a significant risk your students will not receive their results on results day and this may prompt a maladministration investigation.
Estimated completion dates
Following the successful introduction last year, we are continuing to create an estimated completion date based on the date you make your qualification entries.
We assume Level 3 qualifications are being taken over two years and Level 2 qualifications over one year. For example, if you made Level 3 qualification entries in autumn 2023, the estimated completion date will be ‘Summer 2025’.
You can use the Cambridge Technicals Progress Tracker to view the estimated completion dates. You must update the estimated completion dates for any students who are not following the above timescales or who have been registered after the start of the course.
You must make sure all students who need results to progress to HE or FE in summer 2025 have a qualification entry and the estimated completion date is showing as ‘Summer 2025’.
Term-time checkpoint: complete the declaration
You must submit a declaration to confirm all the estimated completion dates are correct by 30 April 2025. This is the term-time checkpoint.
Exams officers will be able to do this within the Cambridge Technicals Progress Tracker from 1 March 2025.
Teachers will be able to check the estimated completion dates for their own subjects. The declaration and any amendments to the estimated completion date, should be submitted by the exams officer.
Arranging the final planned moderation visits
All teachers must be aware:
- The final planned moderation visit must be arranged by 15 May.
- Claims must be submitted at least two weeks before the visit and by 15 June at the very latest.
- The final planned moderation visit must take place by 30 June.
Making sure all students are eligible for a qualification result
Students without the required unit achievements will not receive a result by results day.
To support you, you can use the Cambridge Technicals Progress Tracker to identify students who are not eligible to receive a result based on the current achievements. This allows potential issues to be resolved where possible.
The Progress Tracker updates daily to include any new activity such as new unit results, exam entries or moderation claims.
If students leave the course or will be taking longer to complete the course after you submit the estimated completion date declaration, you can amend the completion date to remove them from the list of students certificating in summer 2025.
Resolving queries
We will aim to resolve all queries during term time. If we have outstanding queries during the summer holidays, and students are at risk of not receiving a result, we will use the JCQ senior designated contact(s) for your school or college. It’s therefore important to make sure you provide at least one contact who is available to manage emergency requests during the summer holidays.
Issuing results
In summer 2025, we will publish results on the Monday before A Level results day (Monday 11 August 2025).
Results can be issued to students as soon as they are released although schools and colleges may wish to issue them at the same time as A Level results.
We will also let you know if any of the students who you told us as part of the checkpoint need a Cambridge Technicals qualification result in summer 2025 are not eligible to receive the result they have been entered for.
If you have any queries about this update, please call our Customer Support Centre on 01223 553998 or email us at