A Level Maths: a deep dive into the command word ‘Determine’ 28/11/2024 Amy Dai, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, discusses what examiners are looking for when the command word “Determine” is used.
How is Cambridge Technical coursework moderated at OCR? 22/11/2024 “How is Cambridge Technical coursework moderated at OCR?” Amy Brewer, Science Subject Advisor, sheds light on our collaborative and flexible approach.
A Level Maths and Further Maths: the importance of accurate vocabulary in statistics 20/11/2024 Amy Dai, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, looks at some of the common misconceptions and errors that students can make when using statistics vocabulary.
A Level Maths: three things to consider for detailed reasoning 20/11/2024 Steven Walker, Subject Advisor for A Level Maths, discusses what examiners are looking for when stating “In this question you must show detailed reasoning.”
Rethinking the English GCSEs 13/11/2024 How can we improve the English GCSEs? Dr Rebecca Fisher, CEO of the English Association, takes a look at key recommendations.
Striking the Balance: keeping the conversation going on curriculum and assessment reform 13/11/2024 Lucy Carey, Stakeholder Relationships Manager, talks about how Striking the Balance has been received by teachers, education stakeholders and students.
A geography podcast for A Level students: Get it in 10 04/11/2024 In this guest blog, geography teacher Harri Hegarty talked to subject advisor Kerry Sage about his new Get it in 10 podcast made for students, to help them with their A Level geography studies.
A Level Media Studies – approaching the Media language and representation topic 04/11/2024 Prepare yourself and your students for the Media language and representation topic, including assessment criteria and set products.
English NEAs: evidencing internal standardisation 01/11/2024 English Subject Advisor Sam Orciel explores ways in which you can make internal standardisation useful and clear.
Comparing OCR A Level Physics A with AQA 01/11/2024 Subject Advisor Mike Jackson compares specifications for teachers who are switching or considering switching from AQA to teaching our OCR AS Level Physics A.