Formulae and equation sheets for assessments in 2025, 2026 and 2027 04/12/2024 We confirm formulae and equation sheets will be available for assessments in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
Cambridge Technicals arrangements for summer 2025 14/11/2024 We confirm the checkpoint arrangements for Cambridge Technicals for summer 2025 and the actions you will need to complete.
Amended specifications for AS and A Level Physics A 07/11/2024 We have amended the specifications and Data, Formulae and Relationships Booklet for AS and A Level Physics A.
Specification amendments for GCSE Combined Science 04/10/2024 We have amended the specifications for GCSE Combined Science A and B.
Specification amendments for GCSE Chemistry 04/10/2024 We have amended the specifications for GCSE Chemistry A and B.
New Purposeful Practicals resources for GCSE Gateway Science A suite 02/10/2024 We are providing new resources to support the teaching of the practical components for the GCSE Gateway Science A suite.
Entry Level Certificate qualifications extended in Wales 01/10/2024 We have extended some of our Entry Level Certificate qualifications in Wales.
End-of-item tests for Entry Level Science R483 05/09/2024 From the June 2025 series onwards, we are no longer accepting old versions of end-of-item tests for Entry Level Science R483.
Minor amendments to AS and A Level Physics practical endorsement resources 03/06/2024 We have updated some of our practical endorsement resources for AS and A Level Physics A and AS and A Level Physics B.
Level 2 Cambridge Technicals (2012) suite extended 29/05/2024 We have extended the Level 2 Cambridge Technicals (2012) suite of qualifications.